When people hear the term Bromley escorts’ or companions’ they generally think of rich older gentlemen with a young attractive prostitute on his arm at an upper-class charity event or a business get-together for top executives. This image is due to the popularity of the 1990 hit movie “Pretty Woman”. Vivian (played by actress Julia Roberts), a street walker struggling to pay her rent, is paid three thousand dollars to spend a week with Edward (Gere) and to become a high-end escort, a lifestyle that she is not well accustomed to, initially. But with help she finds class’ and charisma and becomes the elegant and sophisticated hired companion’ that pivots her role in Edward’s (played by actor Richard Gere) life.
Everyone can recall the scene when Richard Gere presents a 2 million dollar diamond necklace to Julia Roberts, and how he hired her off the streets offering her buckets of money and then proceeded to make all of her dreams come true! This is probably every woman’s fantasy; twist to the traditional “knight saving the fair maiden!”
In the movie, actress Julia Roberts plays the role of a girl from a small town that has relocated to Las Angeles, looking for a better life. Eventually, much to her dismay, she turns to prostitution for a means of survival. She takes her job quite seriously. But when Edward, having car troubles, pulls over to a stop in front of the street where she is working late one night, her life completely turns from prostitute to upper class princess! In reality, Bromley escorts of https://charlotteaction.org/bromley-escorts don’t find themselves in such a fortunate situation, but every woman hopes to one day find the man who will come in suddenly and solve everything easily.
While nearly every woman dreams of being swept away from her troubles and the stress of surviving day-to-day, by a gorgeous billionaire and be shown the lifestyle of the rich and famous, just as in the movie “Pretty Woman” men also have hopes of finding a stunningly beautiful woman who will be there for him whether he is expected to appear at an elegant charity event or just for drinks with friends at the local club. Hiring an escort or female (or male) companion can be the solution to your plus one invitations! Particularly advisable for those guys who cannot find a date on short notice or who have commitment issues. Can’t seem to commit to the right girl? Hire an escort who has no expectations other than receiving her pay for spending the time with you!
Frequently, Bromley escorts are hired for sexual purposes. While this is not always the case, some sexual relations can be anticipated. The scenario in the movie “Pretty Woman” is rarely the outcome and should not be considered as the expected finale to hiring an escort!
In the age of technology, it is simple to find a clean, attractive and reasonably priced escort for any event in which would require a companion’. Through the internet, Bromley escorts can sell their companion services independently or through a service.