Can you blog about sex and kinky bedroom ideas? As long as you keep it pretty clean, there is no reason why you can’t blog about kinky bedrooms ideas. I have been running my blog How to Make Your Bedroom Your Sanctuary alongside my work at cheap escorts in London for about two years now. I had not expected to become very successful, and like I say to my London escorts colleagues, it was just a fun idea. But, over the last year, visitors to my blog has steadily increased, and I am now getting about 2,000 visitors per day. I don’t mention London escorts or anything like that.
In fact, I stay away from talking about sex parties in London and London escorts. It would seriously reduce the amount of visitors would send to my blog. I focus on getting traffic from various sources, and one of the best sources have proven to be Quora.This week, over 10,000 people viewed my answers on Quora.
Once again, I don’t mention that I work for a London escorts service. Instead I focus on talking about relationships. It is a popular topic on Quora, and I guess that gives the persona a rough idea what my blog is really all about. I would not dream of promoting any London escorts service in particular, instead I focus on promoting my own personal ideas about what makes your bedroom into your sanctuary.If you would like to have more fun and enjoy some kinky bedroom ideas, you first need to turn your attention to the design of your bedroom. One of the girls that I work with at London escorts told me to get a couple of mirrors, but it is about so much more than that. When you are serious about having kinky fun in the bedroom, you really need to focus on so much more than that. Making your partner feel relaxed is a very important part of the having fun in the bedroom.
Once you have made someone feel relaxed, you will find that you will have removed a mental block. It is not so different from my work with London escorts. Most of the time that is about removing a mental block as well. I love the idea of setting someone’s spirit free, and one of he best way us to create a sanctuary where your spirit can go free. That is what I focus on doing, and I find that is the perfect way for other to come up with their own kinky ideas on how to enjoy a personal sanctuary for kinky ideas. It does not have to be expensive to create your own sanctuary. Take a look at my personal ideas, and find out how you can adapt them to suit your personal dreams and desires.